Monday, March 5, 2007

Covered Bridge 16x20 Oil

Reached way back and yanked out an old one. Back in high school when I was working in oil. Please don't ask how long ago that was. Remember Laugh-in and Gunsmoke on TV, and not the reruns either. This was painted entirely with a palette knife. I came across it this afternoon stashed away behind a desk. Not for sale.


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. You should definitely paint more landscapes. -KM

naquaiya said...

I like it. I like the great "z" composition and the colors. Agree with anonymous, you should to more.

Brad Bisbey said...

Thank you KM and Michele. I have been toying with that idea for a while now and may venture out in the plain air and do some plein-aire painting.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Killer composition! Love it.