Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunset Marina 8x10 Acrylic

I was drawn to this scene because of the overall abstract design. When painting plein-aire, there is so much to take in. It can be dizzying. But that is the challenge of painting. To make comprehensible all that we see before us. Actually, this is the purpose of painting for me.


Anonymous said...

Brad- you sure un-dizzy-fied the subject. It's a terrific study of composition and reflected water.

Sometimes, the ones that are done quickly really capture the essence.

Brad Bisbey said...

Thank you, Bonnie! This is one where I may have stopped too early. That is probably better than stopping too late.

Daily Paintings said...

Brad...beautiful work!!

Brad Bisbey said...

Thank you, Mike. I very much appreciate it, especially from someone as accomplished as you.